Dabbling In Digital

Recently, Jason (ND0JL) put up a UHF repeater in town. The repeater is on 443.900MHz with a +5MHz offset. It’s not located too far from me, and the whole system is actually still a work in progress. He would like to upgrade the antenna and raise it’s elevation, a bit.

The nice thing about it, is that a couple months ago, I bought a UHF 12 element yagi. It has been on the roof since a couple days after I got it, and right after he got the repeater going, I swung it around to point directly at it. I could probably get into the repeater with a half-a-watt, but my radio will only go down to 5 watts.

When he installed the repeater, he also connected it to Wires-X, which is a digital mode, proprietary to Yaesu. There is a room associated with the repeater, called “WHITE-CLOUD”. It is normally left in the room, unless somebody switches to another room for a net, or to make a contact, or something.

I’m very new to this digital mode, and I’ve been learning a lot, since he installed it.

Feel free to jump into the room, whenever you’d like. I am usually monitoring it when I’m not doing anything on HF (since the only radio I have that will connect to it is also my HF rig). Down the road, we hope to get more people in the area (and elsewhere) on there.

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