New (and final) Callsign – NDØTS

This morning, I woke up and checked the ULS to see if my callsign had changed, and it had. I am now NDØTS.

Of course, you can see why I like this call, and why it will be my last one.

I will now be going through the process of changing everything over from the old callsign to the new one. This includes reprinting licenses and certificates, as well as making new QSL cards. I’ve been working on a new design, but haven’t come up with anything final, yet.

I will also be going through all of the steps that I need to take to update my information on various websites and in the logging software. I have done searches on Google for “things to do after getting a vanity call sign”, but there’s not a whole lot of information about the steps to take after getting one. One of my big questions is:  Does changing my call sign on LoTW get rid of all the contacts that I’ve made under my previous call? Same thing for eQSL.

ADDED: Making the changes were quite simple on all of the services, LoTW keeps all of the contacts and confirmed QSLs that I made with the previous callsign. The others do not. Most of the time, the updates were automatic (within a couple days), and it was just a matter of logging in with the new callsign and the same password. Others, I had to contact them to make the changes. Most notably, RemoteHams.

Also, will the previous contacts that I made with the original callsign count toward DXCC and other certificates, if I keep working toward them? I’ll try to answer those questions with updates (inline), here.

My previous callsign was not really “well-known” by anybody except hams in the local area, on the 2 meter repeater, and I never really checked into any nets with it, so that will be less of a problem for me. It will just be a matter of them getting used to the new one.

Well… I’ve got about 6 hours to work on updating things, so I’ll get started, and report back.

ADDED: The biggest part of the changes were coming up with new QSL cards and getting them ordered. Also, reprinting licenses and certificates needed to be done.

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