About a month ago, I finally put up the antenna for my HF radio. When I bought the FT-991A, I also purchased a Buckmaster 7-band off-center fed dipole (covers 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, & 6). I know that’s 8 bands, but even though it’s not supposed to work on 15 meters, the FT-991A tunes it. Since I bought it all in the middle of winter, I needed to wait for the snow to clear off the roof, before I could get up there. For some reason, my wife and kids didn’t want me to be up there when it was a little slick, or something.
The antenna seems to work great. I get pretty good reports from most of the people I talk to. I’ve only had about 80 contacts in the past month, but they have been from coast to coast in the US. Up until last night, I didn’t have any contacts into Canada, and I was a little confused about that. The antenna was working from MA to WA, and all over to the south, very well. Last night, however, I was able to get a couple different contacts into AB and BC… finally.
The OCFD is oriented east-west, with the short end toward the east. It doesn’t seem to be directional, at all, except for the minimal contacts to the north. I’m pretty sure that has more to do with my actual location and the way it’s set up, though.
The reason for the slow updates, here, have a lot to do with me actually being on the radio, rather than on the computer. That, along with my current work schedule, has kept me from having the urge to write anything on here.
Our local ARC is getting ready for Field Day 2018. We still have some details to hammer out, but no matter what, it should be a great couple days. Last year, we were a 1A station, and this year we’re actually planning to be a 2A. That’s actually a pretty big achievement for an area with such a limited amount of amateurs. It looks like we’ll also have a Cub Scout troop visiting us on Saturday, June 23rd.